
作者:袖梨 2022-07-02
<% on error resume next
     'xmlfile = "???.xml"
     Set xml = Server.CreateObject("MSXML.DOMDocument")
     xml.async = false
Public Function PrettyPrint(node,tabLevel)
on error resume next
 If node.nodeName <> vbNullStrin And node.nodeName <> "#text" Then
    PrettyPrint = PrettyPrint & tabLevel & "[sp2]0[sp2]" + node.nodeName + "[sp1]"
     For Each i In node.Attributes
    pstr = pstr + i.Name + "=" + i.Value + " "
    PrettyPrint = PrettyPrint & tabLevel & "[sp2]2[sp2]" + pstr + "[sp1]"
 End If
 If node.hasChildNodes Then
    For Each childNode In node.childNodes
     PrettyPrint = PrettyPrint + PrettyPrint(childNode, tabLevel)
    PrettyPrint = PrettyPrint & tabLevel-1 & "[sp2]1[sp2]" + node.Text + "[sp1]"
 End If
End Function
Public Function ShowXml(s)
on error resume next
 ta = split(s,"[sp1]")
 k = ubound(ta)-1
 'response.write "sta(" &k &",2)

 redim sta(k,2)
 for i = 0 to k
    ta2 = split(ta(i),"[sp2]")
    cs1 = ta2(0)
    cs2 = ta2(1)
    cs3 = ta2(2)
    'Response.write "sta(" & cs1 & "," & cs2 & ") = " & cs3 & "
    sta(cs1,cs2) = cs3
 ShowXml = sta
End Function

