
作者:袖梨 2022-07-02

flash 360度3D虚拟实境(cubicVR)源代码及其实现原理
  flash的3D虚拟实境最早源自于德国的flash图形学大牛andre.michelle在其labsite:lab.andre-michelle.com上发表了一篇关于虚拟实境的文章,并提供了一个实例(NaN sourcecode).为了深入虚拟实境,在接下来的2个月里我陆续找到一些cubicVR的源文件并尝试破译了一些源码,我同时尝试开发了一个简单的flash3D引擎以及图片3D拉伸算法,所有这些的思想均来自于andre-michelle在其日志中提到的一些idea.现在在这篇文章中所用的实例依然是我对andre早期版本的整理,虽然目前我开发的新版本有更好的结构以及执行效率,但此版本的编程思想更通俗易懂。我想利用这个假期时间开发出flash球型虚拟实境,使它变得更真实。
var bitmapAry = new Array();
var bitmapSource = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap("data2");
for (i=0; i<6; i++) {
 var face = new flash.display.BitmapData(bitmapSource.width, bitmapSource.width, false);
 face.copyPixels(bitmapSource, new flash.geom.Rectangle(0, bitmapSource.width*i, bitmapSource.width, bitmapSource.width*(i+1)), new flash.geom.Point(0, 0));
var showLine = true;
var inBitmap/bitmapAry[0].width;
var inBitmap/bitmapAry[0].height;
var bitmapWidth = bitmapAry[0].width;
var bitmapHeight = bitmapAry[0].height;
this.bitmapMtrx = new flash.geom.Matrix();
var subBitmapMtix = new flash.geom.Matrix();
StWidth = Stage.width;
StHeight = Stage.height;
ox = StWidth/2;
oy = StHeight/2;
focus = 300;
angU = 0;
angV = 0;
subdiv = 9;
subdivPic = subdiv*subdiv;
var subdivVy = new Array();
var subdivVx = new Array();
var subdivVz = new Array();
var subdivX = new Array();
var subdivY = new Array();
var subdivEnable = new Array();
var mtrx = new Array();
var mtrx2 = new Array();
var subdivMapX = new Array();
var subdivMapY = new Array();
var subdivWidth = bitmapAry[0].width/(subdiv-1);
var subdivHeight = bitmapAry[0].height/(subdiv-1);
for (var i = 0; i  for (var j = 0; j   var subID = j+i*subdiv;
for (var i = 0; i  mtrx.push(new flash.geom.Matrix());
 mtrx2.push(new flash.geom.Matrix());
 subdivVy.push(new Array(subdivPic));
 subdivVx.push(new Array(subdivPic));
 subdivVz.push(new Array(subdivPic));
 subdivX.push(new Array(subdivPic));
 subdivY.push(new Array(subdivPic));
 subdivEnable.push(new Array(subdivPic));
// end of for
var mtrxSx = subdivWidth/bitmapWidth;
var mtrxSy = subdivHeight/bitmapHeight;
var mtrxSxy = subdivWidth/bitmapHeight;
var mtrxSyx = subdivHeight/bitmapWidth;
for (var i = 0; i  for (var j = 0; j   var subID = j+i*subdiv;
  var mtrxTx = subdivMapX[subdiv*i+j];
  var mtrxTy = subdivMapY[subdiv*i+j];
  mtrx[subID].tx = mtrxTx;
  mtrx[subID].ty = mtrxTy;
  mtrx[subID].a = mtrxSx;
  mtrx[subID].b = 0;
  mtrx[subID].c = mtrxSxy;
  mtrx[subID].d = mtrxSy;
  mtrx2[subID].tx = mtrxTx;
  mtrx2[subID].ty = mtrxTy;
  mtrx2[subID].a = mtrxSx;
  mtrx2[subID].b = mtrxSyx;
  mtrx2[subID].c = 0;
  mtrx2[subID].d = mtrxSy;
mtrxA = mtrx[0].a;
mtrxB = mtrx[0].b;
mtrxC = mtrx[0].c;
mtrxD = mtrx[0].d;
mtrx2A = mtrx2[0].a;
mtrx2B = mtrx2[0].b;
mtrx2C = mtrx2[0].c;
mtrx2D = mtrx2[0].d;
// 初始每个bitmap细分结点在正则化3D视见体空间中的空间位置
function fun6(bitmapNo, new19, new20, new21, new22, new25, new23, new26, new24, new27) {
 new15 = subdiv-1 >> 1;
 for (var i = 0; i   for (var j = 0; j    var subID = j+i*subdiv;
   subdivVy[bitmapNo][subID] = new19*new15+new22*(j-new15)+new25*(i-new15);
   subdivVx[bitmapNo][subID] = new20*new15+new23*(j-new15)+new26*(i-new15);
   subdivVz[bitmapNo][subID] = new21*new15+new24*(j-new15)+new27*(i-new15);
fun6(0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1);
fun6(1, 0, -1, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1);
fun6(2, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, -1);
fun6(3, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1);
fun6(4, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0);
fun6(5, 0, 0, -1, 0, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0);
// 求每个subdiv的在屏幕坐标系的x和y将每个subdiv可见量存储于subdivEnable中
function fun7(bitmapNo) {
 for (var i = 0; i   //此为核心部分:细分贴图顶点在camera坐标空间中的坐标系变换运算 _loc5为z值,_loc5与_loc6的两个方程是对空间向量距阵计算的简化
  var _loc6 = cos_angU*subdivVy[bitmapNo][i]+sin_angU*subdivVx[bitmapNo][i];
  var _loc5 = cos_angV*_loc6+sin_angV*subdivVz[bitmapNo][i];
  if (_loc5>=0.1) {
   var _loc7 = focus/_loc5;
   subdivX[bitmapNo][i] = (sin_angU*subdivVy[bitmapNo][i]-cos_angU*subdivVx[bitmapNo][i])*_loc7+ox;
   subdivY[bitmapNo][i] = (sin_angV*_loc6-cos_angV*subdivVz[bitmapNo][i])*_loc7+oy;
   if (subdivX[bitmapNo][i]>0 and subdivX[bitmapNo][i]0 and subdivY[bitmapNo][i]     subdivEnable[bitmapNo][i] = 1;
   } else {
    subdivEnable[bitmapNo][i] = 0;
subdivV = subdiv-1;
function render() {
 for (var i = 0; i<6; i++) {
  for (var j = 0; j    for (var k = 0; k     var pointA = k+j*subdiv;
    var pointC = k+(j+1)*subdiv;
    var pointB = pointA+1;
    var pointD = pointC+1;
    var _loc2 = subdivEnable[i][pointA]+subdivEnable[i][pointD]+subdivEnable[i][pointB];
    var _loc3 = subdivEnable[i][pointA]+subdivEnable[i][pointD]+subdivEnable[i][pointC];
    if (_loc2>0) {
     subBitmapMtix.a = mtrxA;
     subBitmapMtix.b = mtrxB;
     subBitmapMtix.c = mtrxC;
     subBitmapMtix.d = mtrxD;
     subBitmapMtix.tx = mtrx[pointA].tx;
     subBitmapMtix.ty = mtrx[pointA].ty;
     renderBitmap(i, subdivX[i][pointA], subdivY[i][pointA], subdivX[i][pointB], subdivY[i][pointB], subdivX[i][pointD], subdivY[i][pointD], subBitmapMtix);
    if (_loc3>0) {
     subBitmapMtix.a = mtrx2A;
     subBitmapMtix.b = mtrx2B;
     subBitmapMtix.c = mtrx2C;
     subBitmapMtix.d = mtrx2D;
     subBitmapMtix.tx = mtrx2[pointA].tx;
     subBitmapMtix.ty = mtrx2[pointA].ty;
     renderBitmap(i, subdivX[i][pointA], subdivY[i][pointA], subdivX[i][pointD], subdivY[i][pointD], subdivX[i][pointC], subdivY[i][pointC], subBitmapMtix);
renderBitmap = function (bitmapNo, point1X, point1Y, point2X, point2Y, point3X, point3Y, subBitmapMtix) {
 this.bitmapMtrx.a = (point2X-point1X)*inBitmapWidth;
 this.bitmapMtrx.b = (point2Y-point1Y)*inBitmapWidth;
 this.bitmapMtrx.c = (point3X-point1X)*inBitmapHeight;
 this.bitmapMtrx.d = (point3Y-point1Y)*inBitmapHeight;
 this.bitmapMtrx.tx = point1X;
 this.bitmapMtrx.ty = point1Y;
 this.photo.beginBitmapFill(bitmapAry[bitmapNo], subBitmapMtix, false, false);
 if (showLine == true) {
  this.photo.lineStyle(1, 0x000000, 100);
 this.photo.moveTo(point1X, point1Y);
 this.photo.lineTo(point2X, point2Y);
 this.photo.lineTo(point3X, point3Y);
cos_angU = Math.cos(angU);
sin_angU = Math.sin(angU);
cos_angV = Math.cos(angV);
sin_angV = Math.sin(angV);
var myMouseListener = new Object();
var myKeyListener = new Object();
this.createEmptyMovieClip("photo", this.getNextHighestDepth());
this.createEmptyMovieClip("win", this.getNextHighestDepth());
win.lineStyle(2, 0x000000, 100);
win.moveTo(0, 0);
win.lineTo(Stage.width, 0);
win.lineTo(Stage.width, Stage.height);
win.lineTo(0, Stage.height);
win.lineTo(0, 0);
myMouseListener.onMouseDown = function() {
 onEnterFrame = function () {
  var xWidth = _xmouse-dx;
  var yWidth = _ymouse-dy;
  if (xWidth != 0 || yWidth != 0) {
   angU = angU-xWidth*0.001;
   angV = angV-yWidth*0.001;
   cos_angU = Math.cos(angU);
   sin_angU = Math.sin(angU);
   cos_angV = Math.cos(angV);
   sin_angV = Math.sin(angV);
 dx = _xmouse;
 dy = _ymouse;
myMouseListener.onMouseUp = function() {
 onEnterFrame = undefined;
myMouseListener.onMouseWheel = function(wheelMove) {
 i = 0;
 focus = focus+wheelMove*20;
 if (focus<180) {
  focus = 180;

