我前面讲外星人来不到地球,这个道理已经很清楚。我再说几个数据,大家听听,我们且不要说到更远的外星,我们人类今天登上月球,把一个字航员送上月球,他在月球上待一分钟,要消耗地球一百万美元的资源才能在月球上待一分钟 。
也叫比邻星。大家注意,这都是恒星,比邻星距离太阳最近,有多近? 4.2光年,光以每秒钟三十万公里,走4.2年,就这我们还不知道比邻星的那个恒星旁边有没有行星。
def bgpic(self, picname=None): """Set background image or return name of current backgroundimage. Optional argument: picname -- a string, name of a gif-file or "nopic". If picname is a filename, set the corresponding image as background. If picname is "nopic", delete backgroundimage, if present. If picname is None, return the filename of the current backgroundimage. Example (for a TurtleScreen instance named screen): >>> screen.bgpic() 'nopic' >>> screen.bgpic("landscape.gif") >>> screen.bgpic() 'landscape.gif' """ if picname is None: return self._bgpicname if picname not in self._bgpics: self._bgpics[picname] = self._image(picname) self._setbgpic(self._bgpic, self._bgpics[picname]) self._bgpicname = picname # coding: utf-8 import pygame import os import sys from pygame.locals import * os.chdir('E:/星空下的告白') os.getcwd() pygame.init() pygame.mixer.init() pygame.mixer.music.load("星空之美.mp3") # pygame.mixer.music.set_volume(0.4) pygame.mixer.music.play() bg_size = width, , 200 bg_rgb = (255, 255, 255) screen1 = pygame.display.set_mode(bg_size) pygame.display.set_caption("告白音乐") clock = pygame.time.Clock() pause_rect = pause_image.get_rect() print(pause_rect.width, pause_rect.height) pause_rect.left, pause_rect.top = (width - pause_rect.width) // 2, (height - pause_rect.height) // 2 from turtle import * from random import random, randint os.chdir('E:星空下的告白') screen = Screen() width, , 700 screen.setup(width, height) screen.title("浪漫的流星雨") screen.bgcolor("black") screen.mode("logo") screen.delay(0) printer = Turtle() printer.hideturtle() printer.penup() printer.color('red') printer.goto(-100, -350) printer.write("宇宙广阔(弱水三千)""nn", move=True, align="left", font=("Italic", 30, "bold")) printer.goto(-50, -400) printer.write("只寻你一颗!(只取一瓢饮!)nn", move=True, align="left", font=("Italic", 30, "bold")) t = Turtle(visible=False, shape='circle') t.pencolor("white") t.fillcolor("white") t.penup() t.setheading(-90) t.goto(width / 2, randint(-height / 2, height / 2)) stars = [] for i in range(300): star = t.clone() s = random() / 3 if s > 0.01 and s < 0.03: star.pencolor("black") star.fillcolor("black") elif s > 0.03 and s < 0.04: star.pencolor("lightcoral") star.fillcolor("lightcoral") elif s > 0.05 and s < 0.1: star.pencolor("green") star.fillcolor("green") elif s > 0.15 and s < 0.16: star.pencolor("yellow") star.fillcolor("yellow") elif s > 0.19 and s < 0.2: star.pencolor("red") star.fillcolor("red") elif s > 0.21 and s < 0.22: star.pencolor("purple") star.fillcolor("purple") elif s > 0.29 and s < 0.3: star.pencolor("darkorange") star.fillcolor("darkorange") elif s > 0.31 and s < 0.32: star.pencolor("red") star.fillcolor("yellow") elif s > 0.32 and s < 0.33: star.pencolor("yellow") star.fillcolor("white") star.shapesize(s, s) star.speed(int(s * 30)) star.setx(width / 2 + randint(1, width)) star.sety(randint(-height / 2, height / 2)) # star.showturtle() stars.append(star) i = 0 pause = False while True: i += 0 for star in stars: star.setx(star.xcor() - 3 * star.speed()) if star.xcor() < -width / 2: star.hideturtle() star.setx(width / 2 + randint(1, width)) star.sety(randint(-height / 2, height / 2)) star.showturtle() if i >= 100: break # 查找队列事件 for event in pygame.event.get(): # 查找点击关闭窗口事件 if event.type == QUIT: sys.exit # 查找鼠标左右击事件 if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if event.button == 1: pause = not pause if event.button == 3: pause = not pause if event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == K_SPACE: pause = not pause screen1.fill(bg_rgb) if pause: pygame.mixer.music.pause() screen1.blit(pause_image, pause_rect) else: pygame.mixer.music.unpause() screen1.blit(play_image, pause_rect) pygame.display.flip() clock.tick(30)
庇护所的日子 安卓版v15.0.5
梦想城镇华为版 安卓最新版v12.1.0
胡椒大厨去广告 最新版v1.4.134
谁是首富红包版 安卓版v1.0.59
梦想超市旧版本 安卓版v3.2.5