
作者:袖梨 2022-07-02

function page_dbstorce(rs,table,outField,indexfield,pagesize,pageIndex,isRecount,typeOrder,condition)
 set cmd = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
 cmd.prepared = true
 set cmd.ActiveConnection = conn
 cmd.parameters("@tblName") = table
 cmd.parameters("@talFldName") = outField
 set rs = cmd.execute
 if isRecount=1 then
  allRecord = cmd.parameters("@allcount")
 end if
 set cmd = nothing
end function
function getSingalFieldValue(table,fieldstr,condition)
 on error resume next
 dim result
 result = conn.execute("select "&fieldstr&" from "&table&" where "&condition&"")(0)
 if err then result = false
 getSingalFieldValue = result
end function
function errpage(errorstr)
end function

function page_catalog(allrecord,allpage,currentpage, tagNum,querystringStr,pagetype)
 dim result,tag,linkstr
 linkstr = ""
 'querystringStr = "&fid="&request.QueryString("fid")&"&sid="&request.QueryString("sid")
 tag = tagNum
  result = "共有"&Allrecord&"个记录  共"&allpage&"页      "
  if currentpage>1 then
   result = result&"首页   "
   result = result&"首页   "
  end if
  if currentpage>1 then
   result = result&"上一页   "
   result = result&"上一页   "
  end if
  linkstrNum = ""
  if team>0 then linkstrNum = linkstrNum&"<<"
  if team<=0 then i=1 else i=0
   if (team+1)*tag>=Allpage then endpage=Allpage else endpage=(team+1)*tag
   for e=team*tag+i to endpage
    if e=currentpage then
     linkstrNum = linkstrNum&" "&e&""
     linkstrNum = linkstrNum&" "&e&""
    end if
   if team>>"
   linkstr = linkstr&linkstrNum
   result = result&linkstr&"   "
  if currentpage    result = result&"下一页   "
   result = result&"下一页   "
  end if
  if currentpage>=allpage then
   result = result&"尾页"
  end if
 select case cint(pagetype)
  case 1
   result = linkstrNum
 end select
  page_catalog =result
end function

function page_catalog_2(allrecord,allpage,currentpage, tagNum, pagetype)
 dim result,tag,linkstr
 linkstr = ""
 'querystringStr = "&fid="&request.QueryString("fid")&"&sid="&request.QueryString("sid")
 tag = tagNum
  result = "共有"&Allrecord&"个记录  共"&allpage&"页      "
  if currentpage>1 then
   result = result&"首页   "
   result = result&"首页   "
  end if
  if currentpage>1 then
   result = result&"上一页   "
   result = result&"上一页   "
  end if
  linkstrNum = ""
  if team>0 then linkstrNum = linkstrNum&"<<"
  if team<=0 then i=1 else i=0
   if (team+1)*tag>=Allpage then endpage=Allpage else endpage=(team+1)*tag
   for e=team*tag+i to endpage
    if e=currentpage then
     linkstrNum = linkstrNum&" "&e&""
     linkstrNum = linkstrNum&" "&e&""
    end if
   if team>>"
   linkstr = linkstr&linkstrNum
   result = result&linkstr&"   "
  if currentpage    result = result&"下一页   "
   result = result&"下一页   "
  end if
  if currentpage>=allpage then
   result = result&"尾页"
  end if
 select case cint(pagetype)
  case 1
   result = linkstrNum
 end select
  page_catalog_2 =result
end function

