
作者:袖梨 2022-06-29

session.timeout=45  'session有效时间
const mss="explorer_" 'session前缀
const password="" '登录密码
const copyright="

©copyleft 2006. coded by rssn, hebust. no rights reserved

dim t1,t2,runtime
dim ofso
set ofso=server.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
dim conn,rs,ostream,nopackfiles,rootpath,failfilelist
call main()
set ofso=nothing
'======================== subs begin =========================
sub main()
select case request("page")
case "img"
 call page_img()
case "css教程"
 call page_css()
case "loginchk"
 call loginchk()
case "logout"
 call logout()
case else:
  if session(mss&"isadminlogin")=true or request.servervariables("remote_addr")="" then
  call login()
  exit sub
 end if
 select case request("act")
  case "drive"
   call drive()
  case "up"
   call dirup()
  case "new"
   call newf(request("fname"))
  case "savenew"
   call savenew(request("fname"))
  case "rename"
   call rename()
  case "saverename"
   call saverename()
  case "edit"
   call edit(request("fname"))
  case "saveedit"
   call saveedit(request("fname"))
  case "delete"
   call deletes(request("fname"))
  case "copy"
   call setfile(request("fname"),0)
  case "cut"
   call setfile(request("fname"),1)
  case "download"
   call download(request("fname"))
  case "upload"
   call upload(request("fname"))
  case "saveupload"
   call saveupload(request("fname"))
  case "parse"
   call parse(request("fname"))
  case "prop"
   call prop(request("fname"))
  case "saveprop"
   call saveprop(request("fname"))
  case "pack"
   call page_pack()
  case "savepack"
   call pack(request("fpath"),request("dbpath"))
  case "saveunpack"
   call unpack(request("fpath"),request("dbpath"))
  case else
   if request("fname")="" then
    call dirlist(server.mappath("./"))
    call dirlist(request("fname"))
   end if
 end select
end select
end sub
'========== subs =============
sub drive()
 dim odrive,islight

fso文件浏览器 - 系统磁盘信息

fso文件浏览器 - 系统磁盘信息

 on error resume next
 for each odrive in ofso.drives
  response.write "   if islight then response.write " bgcolor='#eeeeee'"
  response.write ">"
  response.write ""
  response.write ""
  response.write ""
  response.write ""
  response.write ""
  response.write ""
  response.write ""&vbcrlf

<% =copyright %>
end sub

sub newf(byval fname)

fso文件浏览器 - 新建

fso文件浏览器 - 新建
类型:文件夹 文件


end sub

sub savenew(byval fname)
 if not isfolder(fname) then
  response.write ""
  exit sub
 end if
 dim filepath
 if isfolder(filepath) or isfile(filepath) then
  response.write ""
  exit sub
 end if
 if request.form("ntype")=1 then
  ofso.createtextfile filepath
  ofso.createfolder filepath
 end if
 response.write ""
end sub

sub edit(byval fname)
 if not isfile(fname) then
  response.write ""
  exit sub
 end if
 dim ofile,filestr
 set ofile=ofso.opentextfile(fname,1)
 if ofile.atendofstream then
 end if
 set ofile=nothing

fso文件浏览器 - 编辑文本文件

fso文件浏览器 - 编辑文本文件
文件名: <% =fname %>

end sub




sub saveedit(byval fname)
 dim ofile,filestr
 set ofile=ofso.opentextfile(fname,2,true)
 'response.write filestr
 ofile.write filestr
 set ofile=nothing
 echoback "保存编辑文件成功!"
end sub

sub setfile(byval fname,byval imode)
 session(mss & "setfile")=fname
 session(mss & "setmode")=imode
 dim ww
 if 0=imode then
 end if
 echoclose ww&"成功,请粘贴!"
end sub

sub parse(byval fname)
 dim ofile,ofolder
 dim sname,imode
 sname=session(mss & "setfile")
 imode=session(mss & "setmode")
 if sname="" then
  echoclose "请先复制或剪切!"
  if instr(lcase(fname), lcase(sname)) > 0 then
   echoclose "目标文件夹在源文件夹内,非法操作!"
   exit sub
  end if
  if not isfolder(fname) then
   echoclose "目标文件夹不存在!"
  elseif isfile(sname) then
   set ofile=ofso.getfile(sname)
   if imode=0 then
    ofso.copyfile sname,replace(fname&""&,"","")
    ofso.movefile sname,replace(fname&""&,"","")
   end if
  elseif isfolder(sname) then
   set ofolder=ofso.getfolder(sname)
   if imode=0 then
    ofso.copyfolder sname,replace(fname&""&,"","")
    ofso.movefolder sname,replace(fname&""&,"","")
   end if
   echoclose "源文件或文件夹不存在!"
   exit sub
  end if
  echoclose "复制或移动成功!刷新可查看效果"
 end if
 session(mss & "setfile")=""
 session(mss & "setmode")=0
end sub

sub download(byval fname)
 dim ofile
 if not isfile(fname) then
  echoclose "不是文件或文件不存在!"
  exit sub
 end if
 set ofile=ofso.getfile(fname)
 if instr(lcase(ofile.path)&"",lcase(server.mappath("/")))>0 and not isscriptfile(ofso.getextensionname( then
  dim filevname
  if left(filevname,1)<>"/" then
  end if
  response.redirect filevname
  exit sub
 end if
 if ofile.size>1048576*100 then
  echoclose "文件超过100m,可能会造成服务器死机,不允许以stream方式下载!请将该文件复制到网站目录以下然后以http方式下载"
  exit sub




end if
 server.scripttimeout=10000 '延长脚本超时时间以提供下载
 dim ostream
 set ostream=server.createobject("")
 dim data
 set ostream=nothing
 if not response.isclientconnected then
  set data=nothing
  exit sub
 end if
 response.addheader "content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" &
 response.addheader "content-length", ofile.size
 response.charset = "utf-8"
 response.contenttype = "application/octet-stream"
 response.binarywrite data
end sub

sub deletes(byval fname)
 if isfile(fname) then
  ofso.deletefile fname,true
 elseif isfolder(fname) then
  ofso.deletefolder fname,true
  echoclose "文件或文件夹不存在"
  exit sub
 end if
 echoclose "文件删除成功!"
end sub

sub upload(byval fname)
 if not isfolder(fname) then
  echoclose "没有指定上传的文件夹!"
  exit sub
 end if

fso文件浏览器 - 文件上传

fso文件浏览器 - 文件上传
保存为: 覆盖模式


end sub

sub saveupload(byval foldername)
 if not isfolder(foldername) then
  echoclose "没有指定上传的文件夹!"
  exit sub
 end if
 dim path,isoverwrite
 if right(path,1)<>"" then path=path&""
 if len(filename)<1 then
  echoback "请选择文件并输入文件名!"
  exit sub
 end if
 if lcase(request("overwrite"))="true" then
 end if
 on error resume next
 call myupload(path,isoverwrite)
 if err then
  echoback "文件上传失败!(可能是文件已存在)"
  echoclose "文件上传成功! " & replace(filename, "", "")
 end if
end sub
sub myupload(filepath,isoverwrite)
 dim ostream,tstream,filename,sdata,sspace,sinfo,ispaceend,iinfostart,iinfoend,ifilestart,ifileend,ifilesize,requestsize,bcrlf
 if requestsize<1 then exit sub
 set ostream=server.createobject("")
 set tstream=server.createobject("")
 with ostream
  sdata="" '清空文件数据
  .copyto tstream,ifilesize
  if isoverwrite then
   tstream.savetofile filepath,2
   tstream.savetofile filepath
  end if
 end with
 set tstream=nothing
 set ostream=nothing
end sub

sub prop(fname)
 on error resume next
 dim obj,oattrib
 if isfile(fname) then
  set obj=ofso.getfile(fname)
 elseif isfolder(fname) then
  set obj=ofso.getfolder(fname)
  echoclose "文件或文件夹不存在!"
  exit sub
 end if
 set oattrib=new fileattrib_cls

fso文件浏览器 - 文件属性




fso文件浏览器 - 文件属性
路径:<% =obj.path %>
大小:<% =sizecount(obj.size) %>

创建时间:<% =obj.datecreated %>
创建时间:<% =obj.datelastmodified %>
最后访问<% =obj.datelastaccessed %>

end sub

sub saveprop(fname)
 dim attribs,attrib
 attribs=replace(request.form("att")," ","")
 dim i
 for i=0 to ubound(attribs)
 'response.write attrib
 'exit sub
 dim obj,oattrib
 if isfile(fname) then
  set obj=ofso.getfile(fname)
 elseif isfolder(fname) then
  set obj=ofso.getfolder(fname)
  echoclose "文件或文件夹不存在!"
  exit sub
 end if
 if obj.isrootfolder then
  echoclose "不能修改根目录属性!"
  exit sub
 end if
 echoback "修改文件属性成功!"
end sub

sub dirup()
 dim ofolder,ssfname
 if isfolder(request("fname")) then
  set ofolder=ofso.getfolder(request("fname"))
  if ofolder.isrootfolder then
   call drive()
   exit sub
   set ofolder=nothing
   call dirlist(ssfname)
  end if
  if isfile(request("fname")) then
   response.write "文件夹或文件不存在!"
  end if
 end if
end sub

sub rename()
 dim fname,sname

 if isfolder(fname) then
  if isfile(fname) then
   response.write "文件或文件夹不存在!"
   exit sub
  end if
 end if

fso文件浏览器 - 重命名

fso文件浏览器 - 文件更名


end sub

sub saverename()
 dim fname,ofolder,ofile,fdir,toname
 if isfolder(fname) then
  set ofolder=ofso.getfolder(fname)
  if right(fname,1)="" then
  end if
  toname=fdir & toname
  on error resume next
  ofso.movefolder fname,toname
  if err then
   echoback "文件名不合法!"
   echoclose "文件夹更名成功!刷新之后即可看到效果"
  end if
  exit sub
 end if
 if isfile(fname) then
  set ofile=ofso.getfile(fname)
  toname=fdir & toname
  on error resume next
  ofso.movefile fname,toname
  if err then
   echoback "文件名不合法!"
   echoclose "文件更名成功!刷新之后即可看到效果"
  end if
  exit sub
 end if
end sub

sub page_pack()
 dim vp,vu
 if right(vu,4)<>".mdb" then
 end if  

fso文件浏览器 - 文件打包/解包

fso文件浏览器 - 文件打包/解包
解包到: ">

end sub

'文件夹内容列表 ========== dirlist
sub dirlist(byval fpath)
 if isfile(fpath) then
  response.write ""
  'call download(fpath)
  exit sub
 end if
 if not isfolder(fpath) then
  response.write "文件夹不存在!"
  exit sub
 end if
 dim ofolder
 dim sfolder,sfile '文件夹下的子文件夹和文件
 set ofolder=ofso.getfolder(fpath)











 dim islight
 for each sfolder in ofolder.subfolders
  response.write "   if islight then response.write " bgcolor=""#eeeeee"""
  response.write ">"
  response.write ""
  response.write ""
  response.write ""
  response.write ""
  response.write ""&vbcrlf
  islight=not islight
 for each sfile in ofolder.files
  response.write "   if islight then response.write " bgcolor=""#eeeeee"""
  response.write ">"
  response.write ""
  response.write ""
  response.write ""
  response.write ""
  response.write ""&vbcrlf
  islight=not islight
  response.write "0 "&web&
  response.write "
文件夹 "&sfolder.datelastmodified&"
  response.write " "&
  response.write "


<% =copyright %>

 response.write "page processed in "&runtime&" mili-seconds"

end sub

sub login()

fso文件浏览器 - 用户登录

fso文件浏览器 - 用户登录

<% =copyright %>

end sub

sub loginchk()
 if request.form("password")<>password then
  echoback "一夫当关,万夫莫开,您的密码不正确!"
  exit sub
  session(mss & "isadminlogin")=true
  response.redirect "?page=fso"
 end if
end sub

sub logout()
 session(mss & "isadminlogin")=false
 response.redirect "?"
end sub
sub page_img()
 dim hexstr
 hexstr="47 49 46 38 39 61 01 00 19 00 c4 00 00 6d 92 da 66 8c d9 7e 9e df 7b 9c de 81 a0 df 79 9a dd 62 89 d8 97 b1 e5 71 94 db 84 a3 e0 58 81 d5 91 ac e3 5a 84 d6 69 8e da 65 8b d8 8a a7 e2 76 98 dd 5e 86 d7 61 88 d7 74 97 dc 5d 86 d6 5c 85 d6 6e 92 db 55 80 d5 6a 8f da 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 21 f9 04 00 00 00 00 00 2c 00 00 00 00 01 00 19 00 40 05 15 60 85 09 87 31 3d 51 60 15 c9 72 29 0c 25 39 0d 80 40 03 11 02 00 3b"
 writebytes hexstr
end sub

sub page_css()
font-family: verdana, arial, "宋体";
font-size: 12px;
line-height: 1.5em;
color: #000000;
font-family: verdana, arial, "宋体";
font-size: 12px;
color: #000000;
font-size: 12px;
color: #000000;
text-decoration: none;
font-size: 12px;
color: #000000;
text-decoration: none;
font-size: 12px;
line-height: normal;
color: #333333;
text-decoration: none;
font-size: 12px;
color: #ff7f24;
text-decoration: underline;
hr { color:#6595d6; }

border-collaps教程e: collapse;
border: 1px solid #6595d6;
font-family: verdana, arial, "宋体";
font-size: 12px;
line-height: 1.5em;
color: #000000;
border: 1px solid #6595d6;
font-family: verdana, arial, "宋体";
font-size: 12px;
line-height: 1.5em;
color: #000000;
border: 0px;
font-family: verdana, arial, "宋体";
font-size: 12px;
line-height: 1.5em;
color: #ffffff;

border: 1px solid #6595d6;
.b { font-size:12px; }
end sub

'================ functions ==================
function isfolder(byval fname)
end function

function isfile(byval fname)
end function

'字节数统计 bytes
function sizecount(byval isize)
 on error resume next
 dim size,showsize
 showsize=size & " byte"
 if size>1024 then
    showsize=formatnumber(size,3) & " kb"
 end if
 if size>1024 then
    showsize=formatnumber(size,3) & " mb"  
 end if
 if size>1024 then
    showsize=formatnumber(size,3) & " gb"   
 end if  
 sizecount = showsize
end function

function hex2num(v)
 dim w
 if isnumeric(v) then
  select case ucase(v)
   case "a": w=10
   case "b": w=11
   case "c": w=12
   case "d": w=13
   case "e": w=14
   case "f": w=15
   case else: w=0
  end select
 end if
end function
function byte2num(sbyte)
 dim b1,b2
end function
function writebytes(sbytes)
 dim sbyte,i
 sbyte=split(sbytes," ")
 for i=0 to ubound(sbyte)-1
  response.binarywrite chrb(byte2num(sbyte(i)))
end function

function getfileicon(extname)
 select case lcase(extname)
  case "vbs", "h", "c", "cfg", "pas", "bas", "log", "asp", "txt", "php教程", "ini", "inc", "htm", "html", "xml", "conf", "config", "jsp教程", "java", "htt", "lst", "aspx", "php3", "php4", "js", "css", "asa"
   getfileicon = "wingdings>2"
  case "wav", "mp3", "wma", "ra", "wmv", "ram", "rm", "avi", "mpg"
   getfileicon = "webdings>·"
  case "jpg", "bmp", "png", "tiff", "gif", "pcx", "tif"
   getfileicon = "'webdings'>Ÿ"
  case "exe", "com", "bat", "cmd", "scr", "msi"
   getfileicon = "webdings>1"
  case "sys", "dll", "ocx"
   getfileicon = "wingdings>ÿ"
  case else
   getfileicon = "'wingdings 2'>/"
 end select
end function

function getdrivetype(num)
 select case num
  case 0
   getdrivetype = "未知"
  case 1
   getdrivetype = "可移动磁盘"
  case 2
   getdrivetype = "本地硬盘"
  case 3
   getdrivetype = "网络磁盘"
  case 4
   getdrivetype = "cd-rom"
  case 5
   getdrivetype = "ram 磁盘"
 end select
end function

function isscriptfile(ext)
 const scriptexts="asp,aspx,asa,php"
 dim fileext,exts
 dim i
 for i=0 to ubound(exts)-1
  if exts(i)=fileext then
   exit function
  end if
end function

sub echoclose(msg)
 response.write ""
end sub
sub echoback(msg)
 response.write ""
end sub

class fileattrib_cls
public n,r,h,s,d,a,al,c
private sub class_initialize()
end sub
public property let attrib(v)
 if v=0 then
  exit property
 end if
 if v>=2048 then
  v=v mod 2048
 end if
 if v>=1024 then
  v=v mod 64
 end if
 if v>=32 then
  v=v mod 32
 end if
 if v>=16 then
  v=v mod 8
 end if
 if v>=4 then
  v=v mod 4
 end if
 if v>=2 then
  v=v mod 2
 end if
 if v>=1 then
 end if
end property
end class

'============================ 文件打包及解包过程 =============================
sub pack(byval fpath, byval sdbpath)
 dim dbpath
 if right(sdbpath,4)=".mdb" then
 end if

 if ofso.folderexists(dbpath) then
  echoback "不能创建数据库教程文件!"&replace(dbpath,"","")
  exit sub
 end if
 if ofso.fileexists(dbpath) then
  ofso.deletefile dbpath
 end if

 if isfolder(fpath) then
  if right(rootpath,1)<>"" then rootpath=rootpath&""
  echoback "请输入文件夹路径!"
  exit sub
 end if

 dim ocatalog,connstr,dataname
 set conn=server.createobject("adodb.connection")
 set ostream=server.createobject("")
 set ocatalog=server.createobject("adox.catalog")
 set rs=server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
 on error resume next
 connstr = "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0; data source=" & dbpath
 ocatalog.create connstr
 if err then
  echoback "不能创建数据库文件!"&replace(dbpath,"","")
  exit sub
 end if
 set ocatalog=nothing connstr
 conn.execute("create table files(id int identity(0,1) primary key clustered, filepath varchar, filedata image)")
 ostream.type=1 "files",conn,3,3





failfilelist=""  '打包失败的文件列表
 packfolder fpath
 if failfilelist="" then
  echoclose "文件夹打包成功!"
  response.write ""
  response.write ""
  response.write ""&replace(failfilelist,"|","
 end if
end sub
sub packfolder(folderpath)
 if not isfolder(folderpath) then exit sub
 dim ofolder,sfile,sfolder
 set ofolder=ofso.getfolder(folderpath)
 for each sfile in ofolder.files
  if instr(nopackfiles,"|"&"|")<1 then
   packfile sfile.path
  end if
 set sfile=nothing
 for each sfolder in ofolder.subfolders

