
作者:袖梨 2022-06-29


if request.querystring("act")="upload" then
 dim upload,path,tempcls,fname
 set upload=new anupload         '创建类实例
 upload.singlesize=1024*1024*1024               '设置单个文件最大上传限制,按字节计;默认为不限制
 upload.maxsize=1024*1024*1024                '设置最大上传限制,按字节计;默认为不限制
 upload.exe="jpg|jpeg|gif|png|zip|rar|7z|pdf|doc"       '设置合法扩展名,以|分割,忽略大小写
 upload.charset="gb2312"        '设置文本编码,默认为gb2312
 upload.openprocesser=false        '禁止进度条功能,如果启用,需配合客户端程序
 upload.getdata()          '获取并保存数据,必须调用本方法
 if upload.errorid>0 then        '判断错误号,如果myupload.err<=0表示正常
  response.write upload.description      '如果出现错误,获取错误描述
  if upload.files(-1).count>0 then      '这里判断你是否选择了文件
      path=server.mappath("../uploadfile")     '文件保存路径(这里是files文件夹)
      set tempcls=upload.files("file1")
      tempcls.savetofile path,0
      set tempcls=nothing
  response.write "您没有上传任何文件!"
  end if
 end if
 set upload=nothing                   '销毁类实例



 end if

把下面代码保存成 pf_upload_class.asp


class anupload
    private form, fils
    private vcharset, vmaxsize, vsinglesize, verr, vversion, vtotalsize, vexe, pid, vop, verrexe, vboundary, vlosttime, vmode, vfilecount


    public property let mode(byval value)
        vmode = value
    end property

    public property let maxsize(byval value)
        vmaxsize = value
    end property

    public property let singlesize(byval value)
        vsinglesize = value
    end property

    public property let exe(byval value)
        vexe = lcase(value)
    end property

    public property let charset(byval value)
        vcharset = value
    end property

    public property get errorid()
        errorid = verr
    end property

    public property get filecount()
        filecount = fils.count
    end property

    public property get description()
        description = geterr(verr)
    end property

    public property get version()
        version = vversion
    end property

    public property get totalsize()
        totalsize = vtotalsize
    end property

    public property get processid()
        processid = pid
    end property

    public property let openprocesser(byval value)
        vop = value
    end property

    public property get losttime()
        losttime = vlosttime
    end property


    private sub class_initialize()
        set form = server.createobject("scripting.dictionary")
        set fils = server.createobject("scripting.dictionary")
        vversion = "艾恩asp无组件上传类优化版(v9.11.1)"
        vmaxsize = -1
        vsinglesize = -1
        verr = -1
        vexe = ""
        vtotalsize = 0
        vcharset = "gb2312"
        vop = false
        pid = "anupload"
        setapp "", 0, 0, ""
        vmode = 0
    end sub

    private sub class_terminate()
        dim f
        for each f in fils
            fils(f).value = empty
            set fils(f) = nothing
        set form = nothing
        set fils = nothing
    end sub


    public sub getdata()
        dim time1
        time1 = timer()
        if vop then pid = request.querystring("processid")
        dim value, str, bcrlf, fpos, ssplit, slen, istart, ef
        dim totalbytes, tempdata, bytesread, chunkreadsize, partsize, datapart, formend, formhead, startpos, endpos, formname, filename, fileexe, valueend, newname, localname, type_1, contenttype
        totalbytes = request.totalbytes
        ef = false
        if checkentrytype = false then
            ef = true
            verr = 2
        end if
        'if not ef then
        'if vmaxsize > 0 and totalbytes > vmaxsize then ef = true : verr = 1
        'end if
        if ef then exit sub
        if vmode = 0 then
            vtotalsize = 0
            dim streamt
            set streamt = server.createobject("")
            streamt.type = 1
            streamt.mode = 3
            bytesread = 0
            chunkreadsize = 1024 * 16
            do while bytesread < totalbytes
                partsize = chunkreadsize
                if partsize + bytesread > totalbytes then partsize = totalbytes - bytesread
                datapart = request.binaryread(partsize)
                streamt.write datapart
                bytesread = bytesread + partsize
                setapp "uploading", totalbytes, bytesread, ""
            setapp "uploaded", totalbytes, bytesread, ""
            streamt.position = 0
            tempdata =
            set streamt = nothing
            tempdata = request.binaryread(totalbytes)
        end if
        bcrlf = chrb(13) & chrb(10)
        fpos = instrb(1, tempdata, bcrlf)
        ssplit = midb(tempdata, 1, fpos - 1)
        slen = lenb(ssplit)
        istart = slen + 2
        do while lenb(tempdata) > 2 + slen
            formend = instrb(istart, tempdata, bcrlf & bcrlf)
            formhead = midb(tempdata, istart, formend - istart)
            str = bytes2str(formhead)
            startpos = instr(str, "name=""") + 6
            endpos = instr(startpos, str, """")
            formname = lcase(mid(str, startpos, endpos - startpos))
            valueend = instrb(formend + 3, tempdata, ssplit)
            if instr(str, "filename=""") > 0 then
                startpos = instr(str, "filename=""") + 10
                endpos = instr(startpos, str, """")
                type_1 = instr(endpos, lcase(str), "content-type")
                contenttype = trim(mid(str, type_1 + 13))
                filename = mid(str, startpos, endpos - startpos)
                if trim(filename) <> "" then
                    localname = filename
                    filename = replace(filename, "/", "")
                    filename = mid(filename, instrrev(filename, "") + 1)
                    if instr(filename, ".")>0 then
                        fileexe = split(filename, ".")(ubound(split(filename, ".")))
                        fileexe = ""
                    end if
                    if vexe <> "" then '判断扩展名
                        if checkexe(fileexe) = true then
                            verr = 3
                            verrexe = fileexe
                            tempdata = empty
                            exit sub
                        end if
                    end if
                    newname = getname()
                    newname = newname & "." & fileexe
                    vtotalsize = vtotalsize + valueend - formend - 6
                    if vsinglesize > 0 and (valueend - formend - 6) > vsinglesize then '判断上传单个文件大小
                        verr = 5
                        tempdata = empty
                        exit sub
                    end if
                    if vmaxsize > 0 and vtotalsize > vmaxsize then '判断上传数据总大小
                        verr = 1
                        tempdata = empty
                        exit sub
                    end if
                    if fils.exists(formname) then
                        verr = 4
                        tempdata = empty
                        exit sub
                        dim filecls
                        set filecls = getnewfileobj()
                        filecls.contenttype = contenttype
                        filecls.size = (valueend - formend - 5)
                        filecls.formname = formname
                        filecls.newname = newname
                        filecls.filename = filename
                        filecls.localname = filename
                        filecls.extend = split(newname, ".")(ubound(split(newname, ".")))
                        filecls.value = midb(tempdata, formend + 4, valueend - formend - 5)
                        fils.add formname, filecls
                        set filecls = nothing
                    end if
                end if
                value = midb(tempdata, formend + 4, valueend - formend - 6)
                if form.exists(formname) then
                    form(formname) = form(formname) & "," & bytes2str(value)
                    form.add formname, bytes2str(value)
                end if
            end if
            istart = 2 + slen
            tempdata = midb(tempdata, valueend + 2)
        verr = 0
        tempdata = empty
        vlosttime = formatnumber((timer - time1) * 1000, 2)
    end sub

    public sub setapp(stp, total, current, desc)
        application(pid) = "{id:""" & pid & """,step:""" & stp & """,total:" & total & ",now:" & current & ",description:""" & desc & """,dt:""" & now() & """}"
    end sub


    private function checkexe(byval ex)
        dim notin
        notin = true
        if vexe = "*" then
            notin = false
        elseif instr(1, vexe, "|") > 0 then
            dim tempexe
            tempexe = split(vexe, "|")
            dim i
            i = 0
            for i = 0 to ubound(tempexe)
                if lcase(ex) = tempexe(i) then
                    notin = false
                    exit for
                end if
            if vexe = lcase(ex) then
                notin = false
            end if
        end if
        checkexe = notin
    end function


    public function getsize(byval size)
        if size < 1024 then
            getsize = formatnumber(size, 2) & "b"
        elseif size >= 1024 and size < 1048576 then
            getsize = formatnumber(size / 1024, 2) & "kb"
        elseif size >= 1048576 then
            getsize = formatnumber((size / 1024) / 1024, 2) & "mb"
        end if
    end function


    private function bytes2str(byval byt)
        if lenb(byt) = 0 then
            bytes2str = ""
            exit function
        end if
        dim mystream, bstr
        set mystream = server.createobject("")
        mystream.type = 2
        mystream.mode = 3
        mystream.writetext byt
        mystream.position = 0
        mystream.charset = vcharset
        mystream.position = 2
        bstr = mystream.readtext()
        set mystream = nothing
        bytes2str = bstr
    end function


    private function geterr(byval num)
        select case num
            case 0
                geterr = "数据处理完毕!"
            case 1
                geterr = "上传数据超过" & getsize(vmaxsize) & "限制!可设置maxsize属性来改变限制!"
            case 2
                geterr = "未设置上传表单enctype属性为multipart/form-data或者未设置method属性为post,上传无效!"
            case 3
                geterr = "含有非法扩展名(" & verrexe & ")文件!只能上传扩展名为" & replace(vexe, "|", ",") & "的文件"
            case 4
                geterr = "对不起,程序不允许使用相同name属性的文件域!"
            case 5
                geterr = "单个文件大小超出" & getsize(vsinglesize) & "的上传限制!"
        end select
    end function


    private function getname()
        dim y, m, d, h, mm, s, r
        y = year(now)
        m = month(now)
        if m < 10 then m = "0" & m
        d = day(now)
        if d < 10 then d = "0" & d
        h = hour(now)
        if h < 10 then h = "0" & h
        mm = minute(now)
        if mm < 10 then mm = "0" & mm
        s = second(now)
        if s < 10 then s = "0" & s
        r = 0
        r = cint(rnd() * 1000)
        if r < 10 then r = "00" & r
        if r < 100 and r >= 10 then r = "0" & r
        getname = y & m & d & h & mm & s & r
    end function


    private function checkentrytype()
        dim contenttype, ctarray, barray, requestmethod
        requestmethod = trim(lcase(request.servervariables("request_method")))
        if requestmethod = "" or requestmethod<>"post" then
            checkentrytype = false
            exit function
        end if
        contenttype = lcase(request.servervariables("http_content_type"))
        ctarray = split(contenttype, ";")
        if ubound(ctarray)>= 0 then
            if trim(ctarray(0)) = "multipart/form-data" then
                checkentrytype = true
                vboundary = split(contenttype, "boundary=")(1)
                checkentrytype = false
            end if
            checkentrytype = false
        end if
    end function


    public function forms(byval formname)
        if trim(formname) = "-1" then
            set forms = form
            if form.exists(lcase(formname)) then
                forms = form(lcase(formname))
                forms = ""
            end if
        end if
    end function


    public function files(byval formname)
        if trim(formname) = "-1" then
            set files = fils
            if fils.exists(lcase(formname)) then
                set files = fils(lcase(formname))
                set files = nothing
            end if
        end if
    end function

end class

