asp 分页实现代码

作者:袖梨 2022-06-29



class turnpage
 dim spageno,spagesize,spagecount,srecordcount,sabsoluterecord
 private sub class_initialize()
  if spageno<>"" then
   spageno = cdbl(spageno)
    spageno = 1
  end if
  sabsoluterecord = 1
 end sub

 public sub getrs(byref conn,byref rs,byval sql,byval pagesize) sql,conn,1,1
  rs.pagesize  = pagesize
  spagesize  = rs.pagesize
  spagecount  = rs.pagecount
  srecordcount = rs.recordcount
  if not rs.eof then rs.absolutepage = spageno
 end sub
 public function eof()
  if sabsoluterecord<=spagesize then
   'sabsoluterecord = sabsoluterecord + 1
   eof = false
    eof = true
  end if
 end function
 public sub movenext()
  sabsoluterecord = sabsoluterecord + 1
 end sub
 public sub getpagelist()
  if spagecount<=1 then exit sub
  dim surl,stmp,squery_string,p,n,i,a,b
  surl = request.servervariables("url")
  squery_string = request.servervariables("query_string")
  stmp = split(surl,"/")
  surl = stmp(ubound(stmp))
  if squery_string <> "" then squery_string=replace(squery_string,"pageno=" & spageno,"")
  if squery_string = "" then
   surl = surl & "?"
    surl = surl & "?" & squery_string & "&"
  end if
  surl = replace(surl,"&&","&")
  p = spageno-1
  n = spageno+1
  if p<1 then p = 1
  if n>spagecount then n = spagecount
  a = spageno-5
  b = spageno+5
  if a<1 then a = 1
  if b>spagecount then b = spagecount

  if spageno>1 then response.write("首页 上页")
  for i=a to b
   response.write("    if i = spageno then response.write(" style=""font-weight:bold; color:#ff0000;""")
   response.write(">" & i & "
  if spageno < spagecount then response.write(" 下页 末页")


 end sub
 public sub getpagehtmllist(baseurl)
  if spagecount<=1 then exit sub
  dim p,n,i,a,b
  p = spageno-1
  n = spageno+1
  if p<1 then p = 1
  if n>spagecount then n = spagecount
  a = spageno-5
  b = spageno+5
  if a<1 then a = 1
  if b>spagecount then b = spagecount
  if spageno>1 then response.write("首页 上页")
  for i=a to b
   response.write("    if i = spageno then response.write(" style=""font-weight:bold; color:#ff0000;""")
   response.write(">" & i & "
  if spageno < spagecount then response.write(" 下页 末页")
 end sub
end class

