function createhtml($file) { //scofield 2010-3-16 //for create file as chinses name $file = iconv('UTF-8', 'GBK', $file); $data = ob_get_contents(); ob_clean(); dir_create(dirname($file)); $strlen = file_put_contents($file, $data); @chmod($file,0777); return $strlen; }
//scofield 2010-3-16 //get root category name $catetemp = $this->db->get_one("SELECT * FROM `".DB_PRE."category` WHERE catid = $catid LIMIT 1"); $arrparentidarr = explode(',',$catetemp['arrparentid']); $rootidtemp = $arrparentidarr[count($arrparentidarr)-1]; $rootcatetemp = $this->db->get_one("SELECT * FROM `".DB_PRE."category` WHERE catid = $rootidtemp LIMIT 1"); $rootcatename = $rootcatetemp['catname']; //for url roles add content title and category name $showtitle = strip_tags($r['title']); $catdirname = $C['catname'];
function show($contentid, $page = 0, $catid = 0, $time = 0, $prefix = '') { global $PHPCMS; if($catid == 0 || $time == 0 || $prefix == '') { $r = $this->db->get_one("SELECT * FROM `".DB_PRE."content` WHERE `contentid`='$contentid'"); if($r['isupgrade'] && !empty($r['url'])) { if($page>1) { $base_name = basename($r['url']); $fileext = fileext($base_name); $url_a[0] = $url_a[1] = preg_replace('/.'.$fileext.'$/','_'.$page.'.'.$fileext,$r['url']); return $url_a; } else { $url_a[0] = $url_a[1] = $r['url']; return $url_a; } } $catid = $r['catid']; $time = $r['inputtime']; if(!$prefix) $prefix = $r['prefix']; } if(!isset($this->CATEGORY[$catid])) return false; $C = cache_read('category_'.$catid.'.php', '', 1); $tag = 0; if(preg_match('/:///',$C['url'])) { $tag = 1; $arr_url = preg_split('///', $C['url']); $domain = 'http://'.$arr_url[2]; $domain1 = 'http://'.$arr_url[2].'/'; $info = $this->db->get_one("SELECT * FROM `".DB_PRE."category` WHERE `url` IN ('$domain', '$domain1') LIMIT 1"); $crootdir = $info['parentdir'].$info['catdir'].'/'; } $categorydir = $C['parentdir'].$C['catdir']; $catdir = $C['catdir']; //scofield 2010-3-16 //for url roles add content title and category name $showtitle = strip_tags($r['title']); $catdirname = $C['catname']; //scofield 2010-3-16 //get root category name $catetemp = $this->db->get_one("SELECT * FROM `".DB_PRE."category` WHERE catid = $catid LIMIT 1"); $arrparentidarr = explode(',',$catetemp['arrparentid']); $rootidtemp = $arrparentidarr[count($arrparentidarr)-1]; if($rootidtemp) { $rootcatetemp = $this->db->get_one("SELECT * FROM `".DB_PRE."category` WHERE catid = $rootidtemp LIMIT 1"); $rootcatename = $rootcatetemp['catname']; }else { $rootcatename = $catdirname ; } $fileext = $this->PHPCMS['fileext']; $year = date('Y', $time); $month = date('m', $time); $day = date('d', $time); $modelid = $C['modelid']; $urlruleid = $this->MODEL[$modelid]['show_urlruleid']; $urlrules = explode('|', $this->URLRULE[$urlruleid]); $urlrule = $page < 2 ? $urlrules[0] : $urlrules[1]; if($this->MODEL[$modelid]['ishtml']) { if($prefix) { $contentid = $prefix; } elseif($PHPCMS['enable_urlencode']) { $contentid = hash_string($contentid); } } eval("$url = "$urlrule";"); if($tag) { if(!(strpos($url, $crootdir)===0)) { $url = $crootdir.$url; } $url_a[0] = $url; $url_a[1] = $domain1.str_replace($crootdir, '', $url); } else { $url_a[0] = $url_a[1] = $url; } return $url_a; }
//scofield 2010-3-16 add $catdirname = $C['catname']; //scofield 2010-3-16 //get root category name $parentidtemp = $C['parentid']; $catetemp = $this->db->get_one("SELECT * FROM `".DB_PRE."category` WHERE catid = $parentidtemp LIMIT 1"); $parentcatename = $catetemp['catname'].'/'.$catdirname;
function category($catid, $page = 0, $isurls = 0, $type = 3) { if(!isset($this->CATEGORY[$catid])) return false; $C = cache_read('category_'.$catid.'.php', '', 1); if($C['type'] == 0) { $modelid = $C['modelid']; $urlruleid = $this->MODEL[$modelid]['category_urlruleid']; } elseif($C['type'] == 1) { $urlruleid = $C['category_urlruleid']; } elseif($C['type'] == 2) { return $C['url']; } if(is_numeric($page)) $page = intval($page); $arrparentids = explode(',',$C['arrparentid']); $domain_dir = $domain_url = ''; if(preg_match('/:///', $C['url']) && (substr_count($C['url'], '/')<4)) { $url_a[0] = $C['parentdir'].$C['catdir'].'/index.'.$this->PHPCMS['fileext']; $url_a[1] = $C['url']; return $type<3 ? $url_a[$type] : $url_a; } else { $count = count($arrparentids)-1; for($i=$count; $i>=0; $i--) { if(preg_match('/:///', $this->CATEGORY[$arrparentids[$i]]['url']) && (substr_count($this->CATEGORY[$arrparentids[$i]]['url'], '/')<4)) { $domain_dir = $this->CATEGORY[$arrparentids[$i]]['parentdir'].$this->CATEGORY[$arrparentids[$i]]['catdir'].'/'; $domain_url = $this->CATEGORY[$arrparentids[$i]]['url']; break; } } } $categorydir = $C['parentdir'].$C['catdir']; $catdir = $C['catdir']; //scofield 2010-3-16 add $catdirname = $C['catname']; //scofield 2010-3-16 //get root category name $parentidtemp = $C['parentid']; $catetemp = $this->db->get_one("SELECT * FROM `".DB_PRE."category` WHERE catid = $parentidtemp LIMIT 1"); $parentcatename = $catetemp['catname'].'/'.$catdirname; $fileext = $this->PHPCMS['fileext']; $urlrules = explode('|', $this->URLRULE[$urlruleid]); $urlrule = $page === 0 ? $urlrules[0] : $urlrules[1]; eval("$url = "$urlrule";"); if($C['type']==0 && $this->MODEL[$modelid]['ishtml'] && $domain_dir) { if(strpos($url, $domain_dir)===false) { $url_a[0] = $domain_dir.$url; } else { $url_a[0] = $url; } $url_a[1] = str_replace($domain_dir, $domain_url.'/', $url_a[0]); } else { $url_a[0] = $url_a[1] = $url; } return $type<3 ? $url_a[$type] : $url_a; }
Phpcms | category | √ | {$categorydir}/index.{$fileext}|{$categorydir}/{$page}.{$fileext} | it/product/2.html | 修 改 | 删除 |
Phpcms | category | √ | {$parentcatename}/index.{$fileext}|{$parentcatename}/{$page}.{$fileext} | it/product/2.html | 修 改 | 删除 |
Phpcms | category | √ | {$catdir}/index.{$fileext}|{$catdir}/{$page}.{$fileext} | news/2_1.html | 修 改 | 删除 |
Phpcms | category | √ | {$parentcatename}/index.{$fileext}|{$parentcatename}/{$page}.{$fileext} | news/2_1.html | 修 改 | 删除 |
Phpcms | show | √ | {$year}/{$month}{$day}/{$contentid}.{$fileext}|{$year}/{$month}{$day}/{$contentid}_{$page}.{$fileext} | 2006/1010/1_2.html | 修 改 | 删除 |
Phpcms | show | √ | {$rootcatename}/{$showtitle}_{$contentid}.{$fileext}|{$rootcatename}/{$showtitle}_{$contentid}_{$page}.{$fileext} | product/1_2.html | 修 改 | 删除 |
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