
作者:袖梨 2022-07-02
using System;
using System.IO;
namespace OrganicBit.Zip {
    /// Specifies how the the zip entry should be compressed.
    public enum CompressionMethod {
        /// No compression.
        Stored = 0,
        /// Default and only supported compression method.
        Deflated = 8
    /// Specifies the amount of compression to apply to compressed zip entires.
    public enum CompressionLevel : int {
        /// Default compression level.    A good choice for speed and size.
        Default = -1,
        /// Do not perfrom compression.
        None = 0,
        /// Compress the entry as fast as possible size trading size for time.
        Fastest = 1,
        /// Compress the entry using a balance of size and time.

