1. 下载 http://pear.php.net/go-pear.phar,我是把下载下来的go-pear.phar文件放到 E:/wamp/bin/pear/ ,因为我打算把pear安装到 E:/wamp/bin/pear/
2. 命令行下运行php go-pear.phar
E:/wamp/bin/pear>php go-pear.phar
Are you installing a system-wide PEAR or a local copy?
(system|local) [system] :
3. 输入system,然后回车,出现如下界面:
Below is a suggested file layout for your new PEAR installation. To
change individual locations, type the number in front of the
directory. Type 'all' to change all of them or simply press Enter to
accept these locations.
1. Installation base ($prefix) : E:/wamp/bin/pear
2. Temporary directory for processing : E:/wamp/bin/pear/tmp
3. Temporary directory for downloads : E:/wamp/bin/pear/tmp
4. Binaries directory : E:/wamp/bin/pear
5. PHP code directory ($php_dir) : E:/wamp/bin/pear/pear
6. Documentation directory : E:/wamp/bin/pear/docs
7. Data directory : E:/wamp/bin/pear/data
8. User-modifiable configuration files directory : E:/wamp/bin/pear/cfg
9. Public Web Files directory : E:/wamp/bin/pear/www
10. Tests directory : E:/wamp/bin/pear/tests
11. Name of configuration file : C:/Windows/pear.ini
12. Path to CLI php.exe : E:/wamp/bin/php/php5.4.16
1-12, 'all' or Enter to continue:
4.默认安装目录结构是如上,如果想改变目录就输入前面色数字,我在这里输入的是11,因为我想将pear.ini文件和php.ini文件放在同一个目录中,输入11后让你填入pear.ini路径,我在这里填入的是 E:/wamp/bin/php/php5.4.16/pea r.ini
1-12, 'all' or Enter to continue: 11
(Use $prefix as a shortcut for 'E:/wamp/bin/pear', etc.)
Name of configuration file [C:/Windows/pear.ini] : E:/wamp/bin/php/php5.4.16/pear.ini
5. 接下来会出现类似步骤3的界面,此时直接回车就可以了。
6. 接下来是提示是否把修改php.ini,插入包含路径,输入Y,否则要手动修改。
7. 此时界面会提示 Press Enter to continue: ,直接回车就可以了。
8. 将pear添加到环境变量中,如下图
如果你想在linux下安装pear,可以访问我之前写的 linux下安装pear。
$ wget http://pear.php.net/go-pear.phar
$ php go-pear.phar
1. Installation base ($prefix) : /usr/local/php
2. Temporary directory for processing : /tmp/pear/install
3. Temporary directory for downloads : /tmp/pear/install
4. Binaries directory : /usr/local/php/bin
5. PHP code directory ($php_dir) : /usr/local/php/share/pear
6. Documentation directory : /usr/local/php/docs
7. Data directory : /usr/local/php/data
8. User-modifiable configuration files directory : /usr/local/php/cfg
9. Public Web Files directory : /usr/local/php/www
10. Tests directory : /usr/local/php/tests
11. Name of configuration file : /usr/local/php/etc/pear.conf
# /usr/local/php/bin/pear
build Build an Extension From C Source
bundle Unpacks a Pecl Package
channel-add Add a Channel
channel-alias Specify an alias to a channel name
channel-delete Remove a Channel From the List
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