小学英语教学经验 创设情景,巧妙导入阅读

作者:袖梨 2022-06-30




四年级上册Unit 5 Our new home中的Story time版块时Su Hai 和Su Yang搬家的故事,在听的课中,有两位教师充分利用歌曲导入阅读,有效激发了学生的阅读欲望,为提高学生后续阅读的实效性打下了基础。


Step 1: 回顾和欣赏已经学过的歌曲Where’s the bird?通过歌曲引出the tree is the bird’s home. The house is our home. 从而引出课题 our new home.
Step 2: 提出开放问题:what rooms do we have in our new home? 通过学生的回答逐一呈现房间名称。
Step 3: 利用图片引导学生学习房间名称以及室内物品。
T: Look , what room is it?
S: It’s a living room.
T: What can you see in the living room?
S: I can see a table / a sofa / …
T: Where’s the table?
( 教师通过图片内容与学生讨论,过程中学习了相应的新词和重点句型where are …? They’re …并运用chant 既激发学生兴趣又进行了相应的巩固。)
Step 4  T: We have a new home. What about Su Hai and Su Yang’s new home? Look, they’re coming. They are looking for their things. What are they looking for? Let’s watch the cartoon and tick the answer.


通过欣赏三下Where’s the bird? Story time的视频,复习找人或找物的话题。引出家的话题,然后直奔主题Su Hai 和Su Yang也有一个新家,通过问题What rooms do they have?的讨论,由此进入Story time的文本学习。
Step 1: 欣赏视频,激起学生对Where?句型的记忆,引出课题。
Step 2: T: What rooms do Su Hai and Su yang have ? 通过学生开放性的回答聚类呈现房间名称。
T: Su Hai and Su Yang have a new home. They will take some things to their new home. What will they take?( 教师通过学生的回答适时引导学生学习新词。)
T: Their father and mother put the things on the different places. Where are they?
S: Is it on / in …?
T: Let’s have a look. …
(通过询问物品所在地点,练说本单元句型Where’s …? It’s …Where are …? They’re …同时了解物品所在的位置。)
Step 3: T: Su Hai and Su Yang can’t find their things. What are they look for? Where are they? Please watch and tick.



