[root@web20 php]# base64 --helpUsage: base64 [OPTION] [FILE]Base64 encode or decode FILE, or standard input, to standard output.-w, --wrap=COLS Wrap encoded lines after COLS character (default 76).Use 0 to disable line wrapping.-d, --decode Decode data.-i, --ignore-garbage When decoding, ignore non-alphabet characters.--help Display this help and exit.--version Output version information and exit.如果[文件]缺省,或者[文件]为 - ,则读取标准输入。The data are encoded as described for the base64 alphabet in RFC 3548.Decoding require compliant input by default, use --ignore-garbage to attempt to recover from non-alphabet characters (such as newlines) in the encoded stream.
php for ($i=18291; $i<=18788 ;$i++ ){ $content = file_get_contents("http://www.XXX.com/test.php?wiki_id=".$i);//echo $content; $spwt1=explode("问题:",$content); $spwt2=explode('));<',$spwt1[1]); $spdn=explode("答案:",$spwt2[1]);//echo $spwt2[0];//echo $spdn[1]; preg_match('/base64decode("(.*?)"/',$spwt2[0],$matchesw); $wen=urldecode(base64_decode($matchesw[1])); echo $wen; echo "n"; echo "n"; preg_match('/base64decode("(.*?)"/',$spdn[1],$matchesd); $da=urldecode(base64_decode($matchesd[1])); echo $da;}?>