* At the moment, properties are stored in a Java Properties file. In a version
* of Jive coming soon, the properties file format will move to XML. XML
* properties will allow hierarchical property structures which may mean the
* API of this class will have to change.
* Jive properties are only meant to be set and retrevied by core Jive classes.
* Therefore, skin writers should probably ignore this class.
* This class is implemented as a singleton since many classloaders seem to
* take issue with doing classpath resource loading from a static context.
public class PropertyManager {
private static PropertyManager manager = null;
private static Object managerLock = new Object();
private static String propsName = "/pcc_2000.properties";
* Returns a Jive property
* @param name the name of the property to return.
* @returns the property value specified by name.
public static String getProperty(String name) {
if (manager == null) {
synchronized(managerLock) {
if (manager == null) {
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